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Video Advertising Trends That Have Hit The Play Button

You probably have heard about video advertising and you may be wondering what all the fuss is about and if it is really worth getting a video onto your online store or your social media platforms. It is important to note that the market for online videos is expected to more than double this year, making it worth your time to learn more about video marketing.


One of the trends in video marketing is brands becoming publishers. Customers don’t care who their compelling content comes from as long as it is interesting and it is thought-provoking. Brands have become a lot more open to talking to customers directly, and that is done well through video. Video marketing makes people want to view ads, as the ad is more like a story rather than an ad. People are willing to give their full attention to the brand while the video is playing, giving the brand truly a chance to shine.


Another important trend in video advertising is mobile video ads. People are increasingly watching videos on their mobile device, whether it is a smartphone or a tablet. Although the thought used to be that a mobile screen is too small to enjoy quality content, tons of people are watching videos on their mobile devices. With today’s technology, a video can perform very well on any mobile device and is a great way to get a lot of information from a smaller screen.


Videos are great for native advertising as well. Native advertising is an ad that doesn’t actually look like an ad, and blends in with the non-advertising material of a website or publication. Videos intended to advertise are being blended in seamlessly with the rest of a site’s material, and it seems that soon we won’t even be able to tell if it’s just a video or a video ad. With native advertising, viewers naturally are drawn to the ads and want to know more. These are just some of the trends in online video advertising. Hitting the play button on your own video advertising campaign will surely be worth it.

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