What’s The Buzz On Google Buzz?
In Social Media | 1 CommentIt’s been nearly two week since Google launched their own social network known as Google Buzz, and users are now weighing in and sharing their opinions. If you’re not sure what Google Buzz is all about,it simply a cross between Facebook & Twitter. You are able to integrate a number of social networks to you Buzz feed including Twitter & Flickr. Facebook has not teamed up with Google at this time.
I’ve been trying to figure out the new social media for the past week and I must say it’s a bit confusing! And I even consider myself to be pretty internet savy. I’m usually pretty good at spotting out the social networks that’ll make it. For example, last year is when Twitter became popular and what it is today, but I have been on the site for close to 3 years now. But Google Buzz, I can’t just figure out the hype about it. And apparently I’m not the only one. (more…)