Google TV Aims to Fuse Television and the Internet | iePlexus


Google TV Aims to Fuse Television and the Internet

During the 2000s, Google effectively established itself as an innovator in the tech world, and the company is taking measures to ensure it maintains its status as an innovator in the industry. The company recently announced a new App Store, which will be opening later in the year, and now Google is branching off into a new media: TV.

At the company’s annual developer conference last week, Google executives unveiled Google TV. It’s no secret that people are eschewing commercials and traditional TV viewing in lieu of DVR recordings and online streaming video. In an attempt to capitalize on this trend, Google TV offer consumers a tool for organizing and watching all of their favorite shows in one location.

As anyone who has used DVR, YouTube and steaming video knows, locating clips or shows and keeping your recordings organized can be a timely and convoluted process. Google TV works to eliminate the headaches inherent in this process by streamlining the process of finding your favorite shows. Instead of scouring the guide on your TV and various internet sites looking for clips or episodes, Google TV will search all of the media for you simultaneously, compiling any clips or episodes. The application will even set your DVR to record future airings.

Some of the logistics of the application are still being worked out, but Google has already been in negotiations with several TV manufacturers to begin producing sets with the application already installed. Another possible option is a box—similar to a cable box or satellite receiver—that could be connected to any TV. Like the company’s Android software, Google TV will be funded by advertisements.

Although details about the project are still scarce, Google has insinuated that Google TV may eventually bring full internet integration to TV. Of course, Apple recently announced their own TV product, so there will indubitably be a heated competition to see who can garner market share the quickest.

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