Facebook accomplished a few major accomplishments in January according to recent surveys, and could the tree in your front yard soon be twittering?! Get up to date on today’s social media news brief! (more…)
This morning, reports of a single-engin plane crashing into a building just north of Austin, Texas hit the airwaves and the web. Local stations KXAN & KVUE in Austin had continuing live coverage of the crash with eyewitness reports. And why eye-witness reports play a major part of how a story unfolds, social media users shared their views before any of the stations started covering the story. And as we have reported in the past, social media is changing the way we get our news.
While the story is still developing, here’s an overview of the story with how social media users have been reporting it. (more…)
We already know that Internet users are spending most of their time on Facebook more than any other site. Despite the time spent on the site, Google continues to dominate the web as the most visited site on the web.
However a new report from Compete.com shows that Facebook has now taken out Yahoo as the second most visited site on the web. At one time Yahoo dominated the web for sure, until about 2 years ago when Google stole the spot from the company. And since then, most of Yahoo’s traffic has slowly been declining, as Facebook’s rapidly increasing. (more…)
How much time do you think you spend on the computer a month? Do you spend the majority of your time updating your status and poking your friends on Facebook? If you’re like the average American, you do.
The folks over at Nielsen have released yet another interesting survey which shows how much time we spent online in January and where we visited. Surprisingly, the average US Internet user, spent more time on Facebook than Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Microsoft, Wikipedia and Amazon combined. In fact, the average American spent 7 hours, 1 minute and 41 seconds on the social network (that’s the equivalent of 14 minutes or so a day). That’s a major jump from Nielsen’s June 2009 survey, when at the time the average Facebook user only spent 4 hours, 39 minutes and 33 seconds on the site. (more…)
In their latest study The Center for Client Retention, found that consumers are more likely to favor companies that not only are on social media sites but those who engage with clients as well. During the the study 55% of consumers said they felt positive about the company while a small 5% acted negative towards companies having social media. The remaining 40% felt neutral.
That’s significant that only 5% feel negative against the use of social media. 22 companies involved with the Fortune 500 provided the survey with critical information on their social media policies to find the difference of consumer expectation. Nearly 27,000 consumers gave the survey feed back on their experiences with social media. (more…)
It’s been nearly a month since the battle between Google & China went public, and for the first time since the insident Google co-founder Sergey Brin said at the TED conference on Friday that he’s optimistic that Google will not end up pulling out of China because of the recent hacking and censorship issues.
“I’m an optimist. I want to find a way to work within the Chinese system and provide more and better information,” he said. “I think a lot of people think I’m naive, and that may be true.” (more…)
MySpace’s CEO stepped down this week, while many Olympians are wondering if they can use social media during the games. Find out the details in today’s Social Media News Brief…(more…)
We are one day away from the start of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. And although social media has been around for a few years, this will be the most Tweeted, Facebooked, YouTubed Olympic games ever.
Soon we could see well-known American speedskater Apollo Ohno or skier Lindsey Vonn breaking world records. Both athletes have Twitter accounts that they actually run themselves. However there is a bit of confusion on if the athletes will be able to tweet or use any social media for that matter. (more…)
It was just a few months ago when President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, which caused much controversy. However, last week nominations for this years peace prize winner were due. Among the nominations according to some include, Russian human rights activist Svetlana Gannushkina, Liu Xiaobo, a recently jailed Chinese dissident, for his “distinguished and principled leadership in the area of human and political rights and freedom of expression.”, Former Illinois Governor George Ryan, and the Internet.
Yes, the Internet. The World Wide Web. What you are using right now to read this. As you can imagine, if President Obama’s nomination caused uproar, what the internet will do. (more…)
From Google trying to get into the social media business, to Facebook celebrating 6 years on the web and a weather man going crazy, get caught up in today’s social media news brief.